FDA Updated Benzene Usage Policy


In month of December-2023, the FDA publish a guidance for Industry on “Reformulating drug product that contain Carbomers Manufactured with Benzene”. This guidance was published in accordance with 21CFR 10.115 (Good Guidance Practices) section (g) (2) for immediate implement. As per 21 CFR 10.115 (g) (2), FDA is allowed to publish any Level 1 guidance document before taking any comments from public. However as per 21 CFR 10.115 (g) (3), public comment can be considered after issuance of guidance copy.

FDA define the purpose for publish this guidance to providing recommendation for applicants and manufacturer on what test to be performed and, how documentation to be done and submitted to FDA to support the reformulation of drug product that use Carbomer manufactured with benzene.

As Benzene is known human carcinogenic in nature and it impacts on human health. However, FDA identified as the United State Pharmacopoeia- National Formulary (USP-NF) allowed to manufacturing of some of Carbomer e.g. Carbomer 934, Carbomer 934P, Carbomer 940, Carbomer 941 and Carbomer 1342 with high Benzene level as 5000 ppm.

As per ICH Q3 guidance and USP general chapter <467> “Residual Solvent” it is defined that Benzene is Class 1 solvent. The Class 1 solvents should be avoided and it was recommended to do not use in manufacturing of drug substance, excipients, and drug products. As per Class 1 solvent grade, the limit of Benzene is defined as NMT 2ppm. There are several grade of Carbomer are being manufactured by using benzene as a solvent however, other alternative of Carbomer are also being manufactured without using the Benzene as solvent.

FDA identified that in same USP-NF, the Carbomer Homopolymer, Carbomer Copolymer, and Carbomer Interpolymer monographs covers to manufacture the Carbomer without Benzene and limit the Benzene as NMT 2 ppm. Hence to avoid any confusion and by considering the patient safety, FDA recommended to USP to remove the Carbomer 934, Carbomer 934P, Carbomer 940, Carbomer 941 and Carbomer 1342 monograph from USP-NF compendium. Hence it is clear that the issuance of this guidance will give clarity to those manufacturers who manufacture the Carbomer by using Benzene as solvent.

Recommendation and Requirements of FDA: FDA vision is clear for patient safety and by considering the patient safety; FDA gives the reference of section 501 (a)(2)(b) of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C 351 (a)(2)(B), which states that the drug will considered as adulterated (impure) , which is not manufactured, processed, packed or held in conformity with CGMP to assure that the drugs meets the requirements for safety, quality and purity characteristic.  The clear instruction of FDA to manufacturer to should not use the benzene in manufacturing of drug product, excipients, or drug substances because of their unacceptable toxicity.

The guidance ICH Q3C and USP General Chapter <467> provide guidance in limited case to use the benzene with tolerance limit. Specially, such cases if it is necessary to use benzene in manufacturing of the essential drug product, then level should be restricted as per recommendation of ICH Q3C guidance and USP general chapter <467> unless otherwise justified.

FDA recommended to manufacturer to use an alternative grade of Carbomer that is manufactured without use of Benzene and having similar chemical composition and physical property (e.g. viscosity, rheology). It is suggested by FDA to manufacturer that when switching form benzene containing Carbomer to non-benzene containing grade of Carbomer, then perform the evaluation by considering the chemistry, manufacturing, and controls; in vivo release or dissolution testing, and in vivo bioequivalence documentation. FDA also recommended to performing study on different dosage form i.e. Semisolid dosage form, immediate release solid oral dosage form, Modified release solid oral dosage forms, oral suspensions according to their respective study guidance.

FDA suggested giving electronic comments if any to https://www.regulations.gov.  and submit written comments to the Dockets Management Staff (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852.

Reference: Guidance for Industry Reformulating drug product that contain Carbomers Manufactured with Benzene.



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