Installation Qualification

Installation Qualification:

Installation Qualification (IQ) is documented verification for successful Installation of Software/ Equipment/ Instrument/ System.

In system life cycle and during validation stage, the Installation qualification plays a crucial role. As per Traditional qualification, the definition of IQ is “ The documented verification that a system is installed according to written and approved procedure”. Similarly as per GAMP 5 the meaning of Installation qualification is that “Installation qualification is checking, testing, or other verification to demonstrate correct Installation of software, hardware and the configuration of software & hardware also”.

If we ask what is crucial role of Installation qualification during system life cycle and during validation stage? So we can understand with below example:

Suppose based on requirement specification, “X” make, model and version of software was finalized which was able to fulfill the requirement of any firm. But by mistakenly during Installation of software, “Y” version of software was installed and this “Y” version of software is not able to fulfill the some specific requirements. During Operational qualification and performance qualification, this mistake was not identified and software was release for routine use. Then imagine what will be impact on business? The answer is that respective system is not able to meet the requirements and the whole activity of software procurement, qualification is waste and useless.

The next question is why this software becomes useless? Then answer is “during qualification, the installation of correct version of software was not verified”.

No any guidelines provide accurate content or steps to perform Installation qualification but provides the base concept for IQ. As per GAMP-5 the purpose of IQ is given as “To verify and document that system components are combined and installed in accordance with specifications, supplier documentation, and local and global requirements. Installation testing provides a verified configuration baseline for subsequent verification and validation activities, and verifies any installation methods, tools, or scripts used. This forms the basis for configuration management of the installed system. This “static” approach to installation verification is typically applied to process control systems and automated equipment.”

A pre-approved IQ document should be prepared by considering the critical thinking. A strategy should be defined in this IQ document for performing the verification activity. Below are the some basic details for verification during Installation qualification:

Physical check (Pre-Installation):

a-   Availability of user manual, guides from supplier.

b-   Comparison of order for supply of complete system components (without damage).

c-   Supply of correct make/ model/ version of system.

d-  Availability of certificate of system.

e-   Availability of trained engineer who going to perform installation along with certificate on training of respective system.

f-    Suitability of workplace and location place according to pre-check requirements.

Post-Installation verification:

g-  Installation of correct make/ model/ version of system (software/ Instrument/ Equipment/ Device etc.).

h-  Correct configuration of software and hardware.

i-     Verification of error and warning during Installation and acceptance level of identified error and warning.

j-     Confirmation from supplier/ Installation engineer for successful Installation of system.

Based on critical thinking w.r.t respective system, the verification point may be extended to cover the criticality of system and to give assurance for patient safety.

Pass/ Fail: During verification check, if all the point meets the acceptance criteria, the Installation qualification can be considered as pass and completed. If some of verification point required action, then based on criticality of identified action decision can be taken for further movement of qualification and same should be documented.

Sometime during Installation, latest version of software available and vendor suggested to install the same. An evaluation should be required to confirm that respective latest version of software meeting the requirement specification or not. If found satisfactory then same can be installed and documented.

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